by EMDesjardins | Dec, J, PM | Non classé
Find my reviews of climbing gyms here Some of the Gyms gave me access to their facilities for free and others I payed for. The goal of this page is to provide you with a review of my experience at the Gym to plan your visit. ENJOY! Rocky Mountain - Calgary Climbing... by EMDesjardins | Nov, J, PM | Non classé
Hi everyone!!!! We have a new survey on tope rope solo to serve all climbers better around the world. As I’m writing those lines, I realized that most of you have just realized I’m writing in english! Yes first I want to improve so comments are welcome, I...
by EMDesjardins | Aug, J, PM | Non classé
Hey friends!!!! We will be at TPW 2018 with some awesome clinics for you! Also a possibility to win a night in portaledge!!!(minimum 4 inscription before friday september 7th) Saturday 9 am : initiation in traditionnal climbing 45$ (3hr) Saturday 1pm : bags and...
by EMDesjardins | Aug, J, PM | Big Wall Climbing, Escalade
Bonjour tous, Alors voila l’annonce officielle, BlissClimbing sera au Trad Pow wow avec 3 super clinique pour vous initié aux joie du Big Wall et au Solo encordé! Tirage d’une nuit en portaledge aux inscrit avant vendredi 7 septembre 2018 (minimum 4...
by EMDesjardins | Jun, J, AM | Big Wall Climbing, Escalade, Speed climbing
Yann revient à peine de Yosemite. Il est allé grimper avec Guillaume Michaud dans le but d’accomplir un de ses vieux rêves! Le NIAD (Nose in a day). Grimper cette voie mythique qu’il a fait la toute première fois en 2004 au 3/4 seul et en 4 jours!...