Climbing Gyms Reviews

Find my reviews of climbing gyms here Some of the Gyms gave me access to their facilities for free and others I payed for. The goal of this page is to provide you with a review of my experience at the Gym to plan your visit. ENJOY! Rocky Mountain - Calgary Climbing...

Survey on Top Rope Solo

Hi everyone!!!! We have a new survey on tope rope solo to serve all climbers better around the world. As I’m writing those lines, I realized that most of you have just realized I’m writing in english! Yes first I want to improve so comments are welcome, I...
BlissClimbing at Trad Pow Wow 2018

BlissClimbing at Trad Pow Wow 2018

Hey friends!!!! We will be at TPW 2018 with some awesome clinics for you! Also a possibility to win a night in portaledge!!!(minimum 4 inscription before friday september 7th) Saturday 9 am : initiation in traditionnal climbing 45$ (3hr) Saturday 1pm : bags and...
Le projet du NIAD

Le projet du NIAD

Yann revient à peine de Yosemite. Il est allé grimper avec Guillaume Michaud dans le but d’accomplir un de ses vieux rêves! Le NIAD (Nose in a day). Grimper cette voie mythique qu’il a fait la toute première fois en 2004 au 3/4 seul et en 4 jours!...