Yann Camus et Eve-Marie Desjardins, Climbing Enthusiasts
Yann and I have met in 2008, it was the beginning of our life adventure! We are both passionate about climbing and outdoor adventure. Climbing made us as a couple! At the beginning it was one adventure after the other. Every weekend we would leave home to get fresh air. After many experiences, we were stock in a electrical storm at Aiguille du Midi, Mont Blanc, Chamonix, France in 2009. Than many escapes in Val David, Montagne d’Argent, Kamouraska, Cap Trinité and most of the US North east climbing spots : Gunks, Adirondaks, Mount Washington with White horse ledge and Cathedral ledge!
Time flyes and we had a family! Than we slowly came back to making more adventures with the kids! And than we realized that it was our life mission. We decided to found BlissClimbing to share our passion. Yann is an awesome guide and as much as I want to keep him for us, he prefer to teach hard stuff!!! Big Walls climbing, Rope solo and Aid climbing are his predilection domains! We balance in making some adventure with the family and some on big Wall!
Our mission : Having fun while your security is taking care of and you experiment a life time adventure!
Our Goal : we are not going to lie! We want to live free! Have fun in family and by ourself. Live more adventures and be paid to transmit our passion!

Yann Camus, Climbing Passionate
Certifications instructor of traditional climbing lead 2018 with the FQME and climbing guide Rock and Ice with the ÉNEQ in 2003 and 2006 Upgrade with AGMA 2018.
Advanced first aid in remote areas SIRIUS in 2003 and 2018.
Yann decided to restart his climbing school after 8 years to perfect his passion. Formerly Grimpedunjour became BlissClimbing and allows Yann to focus only on his passion: artificial climbing, big walls and roped solo! These are obviously specialized areas of climbing!
Yann is looking for clients who want to go further and higher on technical walls to help them reach the top of their projects with or without a partner but always with a rope!
Here is a bit of Yann’s climbing experience
Rope Solo :
Local trad/sport climbs: 4 x 5.10d, 2 x 5.11a, 3 x 5.11b, 1 x 5.11c (all in the 2021 season)
El Capitan – The Shield (5.8, A3, V) 2013,
Red Rocks – Epinephrine (5.9, IV) (2004),
El Capitan – East Buttress (5.10b, IV) (2004)
Big Wall :
El Capitan – Mescalito (5.9+, A3, VI) (2015)
Cap Trinité – Fox-Victor-India 5.9 C3F (2021)
Cap Trinité – Gladiateur 5.9 A3 et Grands Galets 5.9 A2+ (car to car in 19h (2012))
El Capitan – The Nose 5.8 C2 VI (2004) and NIAD try (24h08) 2019
Trad :
Val-David – Perseverance (5.10d) (2013), Double fissure directe (5.11a),
Weir – Black and White (5.11a) (2007)

Eve-Marie Desjardins, Climbing Enthusiast
Climbing came into my life like an natural answer to my needs!
While I was studying in Osteopathy, I started climbing as an indoor and out door activity! I fell in love with the feeling of freedom and the refreshment of climbing outdoor! I discovered one of my passion there!
Arriving at the end of my studies in Osteopathy, I decided I would do my research on climbers. I wanted to help climbing community to improve their flexibility to perform better! I had very good result!
The climbing project that mark my memory most is : Arrète des cosmique (Chamonix, France) in 2009. With Yann we also did Whitehorse ledge (NH, USA) in an hour “running belay” and now I love to lead routes for my children!

The family, Outdoor passionates
We are 4 in our family, Albert is 7 and Emmanuelle 3. They actually grow so fast that we decided to have more time with them! So now I stay at home to home school them!
They are still exploration climbers, Emmanuelle love it more but Albert is just like Yann as he love to self belay. We often practice on our wall at home!
They love to come play outside with us!
Albert love everything about survival and nature! He is the sage of our family! He love to teach his friends about everything he learn he also love to see other achieve goals that he would like to achieve too! He is passionate also by Lego blocs, Tintin and comics, helping others, scooter and the skate park.
Emmanuelle also known as “The adventurous” of the family started travel at 4 month for 5 weeks! She always ready to leave the house and live the adventurous life! She’s more in her element when mommy and daddy are free and playful! She love to follow Albert as the adventure get much harder for her than! And for now she love pink or being naked!

Grâce à ton aide j’ai réussi à faire ma première nuit sur The Prow et à atteindre le haut de la 6e longueur des Grands Galets au Cap Trinité. Je n’ai pas encore trouvé ma vitesse de croisière mais ça viendra !
Je t’envoie cette photo de moi et de Joe Côté alors que je m’apprête à grimper The Mordor Wall 5.12d/5.6 A3, voie ouverte par Joe lui-même à la fin des années 60.
Philippe Marcotte
Passionné d’escalade

Yann est probablement le grimpeur le plus accompli, le plus expérimenté et surtout le plus allumé que j’ai eu le privilège de côtoyer dans ma vie. Il est constamment à la recherche des techniques les plus efficaces et les plus innovatrices pour sauver de précieuses minutes à chaque pitch des nombreux big walls qu’il a grimpé dans sa vie. Il m’a non seulement appris énormément de techniques super intéressantes et pratique à utiliser en parois, mais il m’a surtout appris à analyser les outils et les techniques que j’utilisais déjà, afin de m’amener à m’améliorer et à devenir plus efficace comme grimpeur. Merci pour tout, Yann! Toujours un plaisir d’apprendre de nouveaux trucs avec toi! Cheers!
Jonathan Bélanger
Passionné d’escalade

Après 12 ans d’escalade traditionnelle, j’ai décidé de me lancer en artif. J’en avais déjà fait à quelques reprises et j’avais bien aimé. Après avoir contacté la fqme pour suivre un cours, surprise?! Aucun cours d’artif ne se donne officiellement au Québec. J’ai donc contacté un ami, un vieux de la vielle, dans la milieu de l’escalade (Arian Manchego) et il m’a referé Yann Camus en me disant “c’est pas mal LA référence en artif au Québec”. Yann a très bien reçu mon appel et m’a même invité chez eux pour me montrer quelque techniques. Par la suite il m’a même conseillé pour l’achat de matériel. Merci Yann!
Yannick Forgues
Passionné d’escalade

Kushwant Bussawah
Passionné d’escalade
Grâce à ton aide j’ai réussi à faire ma première nuit sur The Prow et à atteindre le haut de la 6e longueur des Grands Galets au Cap Trinité. Je n’ai pas encore trouvé ma vitesse de croisière mais ça viendra !
Je t’envoie cette photo de moi et de Joe Côté alors que je m’apprête à grimper The Mordor Wall 5.12d/5.6 A3, voie ouverte par Joe lui-même à la fin des années 60.
Philippe Marcotte
Passionné d’escalade

Voilà plusieurs années déjà, une de mes collègues recherchait quelqu’un pour travailler avec son copain un week-end. Loin de moi l’idée que cette rencontre fortuite allait un jour s’avérer être un point marquant dans ma pratique de ce sport. J’ai alors découvert quelqu’un avec non seulement une montagne de connaissances, mais aussi une passion débordante et le désir de la partager.
C’est avec Yann que j’ai fait mon premier multi-pitch, mes premiers pas en glace, c’est aussi avec lui que j’ai acquis mes premières connaissances du traditionnel. Enfin c’est avec lui que j’ai réussi à gravir le Dawn Wall sur le El-Capitan à Yosemite, un projet que je n’oublierai jamais.
Qu’est-ce que Yann m’a apporté… De la confiance, une quantité de connaissances et il m’aura ouvert les portes de l’autonomie dans différentes pratiques de l’escalade.
Merci Yann!
Nicolas Ouellet
Passionné d’escalade
With a number of big wall rope solos under my belt I was amazed by two big things: 1)Yann Online course taught me tips I didn’t know and I am eager to put to use. 2) Yann takes the time to go through all the basic things that I had to learn through trial and error. What ever your skill level the course is a value.
Grâce à ton aide j’ai réussi à faire ma première nuit sur The Prow et à atteindre le haut de la 6e longueur des Grands Galets au Cap Trinité. Je n’ai pas encore trouvé ma vitesse de croisière mais ça viendra !
Je t’envoie cette photo de moi et de Joe Côté alors que je m’apprête à grimper The Mordor Wall 5.12d/5.6 A3, voie ouverte par Joe lui-même à la fin des années 60.
Whether top-roping or on the lead, rope soloing is risky business. I started experimenting with top-rope soloing a few years ago and have recently started leading solo. At this moment, there are very few voices out there that I trust without a doubt. Yann Camus is one of those people. Through his rigorous testing in his garage, vetting information from others, and field testing out at the crags, Yann has emerged as one of the most knowledgeable soloists in the climbing community.
As an Instructional Designer working constantly with the design and development of college-level, online courses, I can personally vouch for Yann’s thorough, educational, and inspiring content and delivery. The topics are well organized, and I have viewed many of his videos where I have always learned something to help add to my skillset, and I’ve been climbing over 30 years! If you’re wondering, “Is it possible that an online course can help me get a better understanding of rope-soloing?” The answer to your question is an emphatic “YES!”
C’est avec Yann que j’ai fait mon premier multi-pitch, mes premiers pas en glace, c’est aussi avec lui que j’ai acquis mes premières connaissances du traditionnel. Enfin c’est avec lui que j’ai réussi à gravir le Dawn Wall sur le El-Capitan à Yosemite, un projet que je n’oublierai jamais.
Qu’est-ce que Yann m’a apporté… De la confiance, une quantité de connaissances et il m’aura ouvert les portes de l’autonomie dans différentes pratiques de l’escalade.
Merci Yann!
The most comprehensive info on rope soloing to date
I’ve been instructing/guiding since the late 70’s and acting trainer, since the mid 80’s, in the provincial instructor program for the Quebec climbing federation. I go about on rock and on ice and have done multiples trips in the alpine.
I’ve seldom touched aid and roped solo climbing… so when I get demand for these, I have the chance to have crossed paths with Yann Camus, who I refer without hesitation. I still remember seeing Yann on the «big wall» here on our local cliff, the Pinacle, roped solo climbing the tougher routes on that section.
I first met Yann as a trainee in different courses aiming for certification to teach climbing. He always showed great ease in technical and teaching skills… ease that is only matched by his passion for the sport.
Thus, for anything and everything that regards aid climbing and roped solo climbing…. «MY GO TO GUY»…..is without hesitation; YANN.
"Yann has not only demonstrated his skills in rope soloing, soloing El Cap several times, he's also invested a huge amount of time in understanding all aspects of these techniques, making him one of the leading teachers of rope solo climbing."