L'escalade rend heureux
Conférence (8 mars) au RocGyms de Québec sur les BIG WALLS!
Protected: Rope Solo – Landmark Events #19 to #20 – 2014 to 2016 – “Me, Myself and I” published, Petzl10 articles on TRS and 2 Record-Breaking Female Ascents
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Choosing and Rigging Tree Anchors for Lead Rope Solo Climbing
Question: Hi Yann, Can you help with any advice regarding the right tree? I’m worried about putting the rope too high, as the moment force on the tree will increase. But if I go too low, I’m concerned it could slip up. Thanks! My Answer: Hi Mate! Your judgment...
About Lead Rope Solo Climbing Setups and Backups
We too often see people with seemingly less experience trying to come up with innovative ways of building Lead Rope Solo (LRS) setups and backups. While creativity and problem-solving are valuable, this approach can lead to unforeseen risks, especially without a...
The Two Jars: Luck and Experience
Everyone starts with two jars: one for luck and one for experience. When you begin rope soloing, your luck jar is full, but your experience jar is empty. Every "uh-oh" moment takes a marble from the luck jar and moves it into the experience jar. Over...
Protected: Rope Solo – Landmark Events #17 and #18 – 2012 – Alex Honnold LRS the triple and Alex Huber LRS 5.14c FA
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Suspension Trauma: It Can Kill You in Just 6 Minutes
Suspension trauma is a dangerous, life-threatening condition that can occur when a climber is suspended in their harness for too long, especially after a fall or unconsciousness. It’s a critical issue for rope solo climbers (TRS and LRS), as being left hanging without...
An Article on the Edelrid Article: “Lead Rope Solo – a Draft for a Risk Assessment”
The Article is here: CLICK HERE!
Rope Solo Climbing Accidents Mentioning the Use of the Petzl Grigri
Here is a blog article with the accidents / incidents involving the Petzl Grigri in a top rope solo or lead rope solo context. NOTE that the grigri was not always the CAUSE of the accident. But if you get yourself into rope solo with a grigri, you'd better know a few...
Protected: Rope Solo – Landmark Event #16 – 2008 – Silent Partner / Soloist / Solo Aid STOP of production
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Protected: Rope Solo – Landmark Events #12 to #15 – 1999 to 2007 – More Evolution in the Rope Solo World
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La Progression en Escalade : Du Débutant en Salle aux Big Walls
La Progression en Escalade : Du Débutant en Salle aux Big Walls L'escalade est un sport passionnant qui offre une progression naturelle à travers différentes disciplines, chacune avec ses propres défis et récompenses. Voici un guide étape par étape pour comprendre...
New Solo Speed Record on the Salathé!
New Solo Speed Record on the Salathé! The following is the complete Newsletter Bliss Climbing received from Avant Climbing Innovations. Find Avant's website here. Subscribe to Avant's Newsletter at the bottom of Avant's webpage!! Avant friend Brant Hysell, known for...
Protected: Rope Solo – Landmark Events #7 to #11 – 1989 to 1993 – The Silent Partner Era with Mark Blanchard, Steve Schneider, Hans Florine and more!!
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Rope Solo – Landmark Events #4 #5 #6 – 1987 – John Middendorf Article – 1988 – Soloist and – 1989 – Solo Aid by Rock Exotica
Rope Solo - Landmark Event #4 - 1987 - John Middendorf Describes Rope Soloing Big Walls in Climbing Magazine Article With only a bit over 200 words, it packs lots of information!! Using a running clove hitch How to back it up or not Using two hitches Rope snags No...
Protected: Rope Solo – Landmark Event #3 – 1973 – Bruce Carson and Royal Robbins Publish the LRS Barnett System
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Protected: Rope Solo – Landmark Event #2 – 1968 – Royal Robbins LRS Second Ascent of the Muir Wall on El Capitan
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Rope Solo – Landmark Event #1 – 1955 – Walter Bonatti LRS First Ascent of the Bonatti Pillar on Aiguille du Dru
At the time, it was completely groundbreaking. Rope solo was kind of unthinkable as the climbing gear was so rudimentary. So a first ascent like this one blew everyone's mind. Walter Bonatti probably had rigid early Nylon ropes to do the climb. He did his first ascent...
Q: “What is the Best System for Lead Rope Solo Climbing?”
I get this question all the time. People want to know what system I recommend in my LRS online courses. What system I think is the safest. What I think is the most simple and efficient. What system I use. You might be disappointed by my answer. “It depends”. [2024...
Review of the “Down” book by Andy Kirkpatrick (2020)
If you are looking for A TON of tricks than will truly count the day things go south, this is the book you want to have read. And you must have practiced the techniques and put yourself in situations. Because this book about getting down (essentially by rappel) is NOT...
Q&A- What About Daisy Chain Soloing?
Luca Dondoni asks me on YouTube: "Granted that I would never do such a thing, what do you think of the daisy chain solo? I saw a video, and I am very perplexed ..." This questions refers to the following video by Andrea Calligaris: My answer: Some people will choose...
Book Review – HOOKING UP (The Ultimate Big Wall and Aid Climbing Manual) by Fabio Elli, Peter Zabrok (672 pages)
I must say first I know Peter Zabrok (Pass the Pitons Pete or PTPP) very well because he talks a lot and writes a lot. And he is a friend!! Fabio Elli I do not know him so much. So in this review I always say PTPP this and PTPP that. And never Fabio… Sorry Fabio! You...
Climbing Gyms Reviews
Some of the Gyms gave me access to their facilities for free and others I payed for. The goal of this page is to provide you with a review of my experience at the Gym to plan your visit. ENJOY!I went to the gym on 2020-10-28 from 21h to 23h. Given the COVID situation...
Book Review – HOOKING UP (The Ultimate Big Wall and Aid Climbing Manual) by Fabio Elli, Peter Zabrok (672 pages)
I must say first I know Peter Zabrok (Pass the Pitons Pete or PTPP) very well because he talks a lot and writes a lot. And he is a friend!! Fabio Elli I do not know him so much. So in this review I always say PTPP this and PTPP that. And never Fabio… Sorry Fabio! You...
Survey on Top Rope Solo
Hi everyone!!!! We have a new survey on tope rope solo to serve all climbers better around the world. As I'm writing those lines, I realized that most of you have just realized I'm writing in english! Yes first I want to improve so comments are welcome, I will make...
BlissClimbing at Trad Pow Wow 2018
Hey friends!!!! We will be at TPW 2018 with some awesome clinics for you! Also a possibility to win a night in portaledge!!!(minimum 4 inscription before friday september 7th) Saturday 9 am : initiation in traditionnal climbing 45$ (3hr) Saturday 1pm : bags and...
BlissClimbing au Trad Pow Wow 2018
Bonjour tous, Alors voila l'annonce officielle, BlissClimbing sera au Trad Pow wow avec 3 super clinique pour vous initié aux joie du Big Wall et au Solo encordé! Tirage d'une nuit en portaledge aux inscrit avant vendredi 7 septembre 2018 (minimum 4 inscriptions)...
Le projet du NIAD
Yann revient à peine de Yosemite. Il est allé grimper avec Guillaume Michaud dans le but d'accomplir un de ses vieux rêves! Le NIAD (Nose in a day). Grimper cette voie mythique qu'il a fait la toute première fois en 2004 au 3/4 seul et en 4 jours! L'objectif est de...
Notre passion dans la presse
Le mercredi 13 juin, Nous étions en première page de la Presse plus! Et oui, notre fameux mur d'escalade dans notre superbe maison de Blainville (qui est actuellement à vendre!!!) était à l'honneur! allez y jeter un coup d'oeil!
Aujourd'hui j'ai envie de vous parler d'harmonie. Dans ma vie j'ai toujours cherché l'harmonie, parfois sans le savoir! J'ai utilisé plusieurs outils au cours des années pour arriver à cette facette de l'amour que je suis venue exprimer sur terre. L'harmonie pour moi...
Conférences 26 mai 19h Big Wall : mes meilleurs secrets!!!!!
Ma recette d’Énergie
Vous voulez ma recette pour retrouver votre énergie à faire vos projets? Alors voilà, je vous la sert ici. Si vous avez besoin d'aide dans votre démarche, parce que vous pensez partir de loin, aller lire mon histoire ICI (lien). Cela vous donnera un peu d'espoir....
L’eau 1/3
L'eau!!! 1 de 3 L'eau est essentielle à la vie humaine et à toute forme de vie sur terre. Composant à près de 70% le corps humain, nous sommes donc majoritairement de l'eau! Ainsi, la logique que la qualité et la quantité d'eau que l'on boit est primordiale. Donc tout...
Big Wall 101 ou comment passer du trad aux grandes voies
Eve-Marie Desjardins Ostéopathe
Bonjour, je suis Eve-Marie Desjardins, Ostéopathe. J'offre des soins en ostéopathie à Blainville, Qc. Vous pouvez consulter mes disponibilités sur mon site joint gorendezvous. Les séances d'ostéopathie comprennent une évaluation de la problématique, un traitement et...
Le Courage
Pendant un bon moment suite à la naissance de ma fille, je restais au lit le matin. Je me demandais si je me sentais prête à me lever? La réponse était toujours "non"! Alors, je restais au lit encore jusqu'à ce que je n'aie plus le choix. C'était les enfants qui me...
Temps de chute
Combien de temps dure une chute à partir du sommet de El Capitan coté Mescalito??? La durée de la chute serait de 22 secondes avant l'impact. Pour le Cap Trinité, ce serait 9 secondes. Pour une voie en moulinette de 25m, c'est 2 secondes seulement. Intéressant! Vous...
Équipe québécoise vers le K2 été 2018
Nathalie Fortin, Serge Dessureault, Benoît Lamoureux, Maurice Beauséjour: je vous souhaite une belle aventure et de beaux souvenirs à venir 🙂 Je vous souhaite aussi de la chance et la force de prendre les bonnes décisions!...
Conférence aux Gagas de Québec sur les BIG WALLS!
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